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GridView to add HyperLink column dynamically

Anonymous User305031-Aug-2014

We read from XML and create columns in asp gridview. Also same XML is used to create columns in a data table.

We populate that data table with desired data and bind data table to gridview using server side code.

I want to display hyperlink in gridview and not sure how to manage it. Since we are not using RowDataBound method.


foreach (XmlNode columnNode in columnNodes)


dc = new DataColumn(columnNode.Attributes["ColumnName"].Value,Type.GetType("System.String"));


boundField = new BoundField();

boundField.HeaderText = columnNode.Attributes["ColumnDisplayName"].Value;

boundField.DataField = columnNode.Attributes["ColumnName"].Value;

boundField.SortExpression = columnNode.Attributes["ColumnName"].Value;



where dc is datacolumn, dt is data table and grdView is grid view.

Updated on 01-Sep-2014
I am a content writter !

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